The Application Process
How to apply and what to expect
Almost all jobs at Games Workshop are advertised and recruited for using the same method. We hire for fit as much as skill, and the process reflects that. It’s designed to let us find out about you as a person, what you’re passionate about, and whether you’d be at home as part of our family.

The application letter is your chance to shine. It’s an opportunity to tell us why you want the job, what makes you a good fit for it, and why you’ll be great at it. We read every letter we receive, and this is the single most important part of the recruitment process. It is the determining factor on who we progress to the next stage. So take your time and write something great that grabs our attention.

We are looking for the best people to join our team and so the best way to assess that you have the right skills and behaviours is by talking to you. Your initial interview might be conducted in person, over the phone, or via a virtual meeting but the format will usually be the same. It’s not a test. It’s a chance for us to get to know you better. We want to have an open, honest conversation about you and what you can bring to Games Workshop.

For most jobs, the interview is the end of the process. Shortly thereafter, we’ll contact you to let you know how it went and whether or not you’ve secured a new job at Games Workshop. If you’ve been unsuccessful, don’t be disheartened – getting as far as an interview is in itself a fantastic achievement. We’d definitely welcome you to apply again in future.
Additional Stages
Some roles have special requirements and so, occasionally, there’s an extra couple of steps in the applications process. We might, for example, want to see a folio of your creative work or evidence of a specific skill in action.
We’re looking for the very best creatives for our roles. When we’re hiring miniatures designers, artists and writers, we’ll often ask to see some samples of your work. This might take the form of a portfolio or a special task set as part of the application process.

Selection Days
We may ask you to interview with us virtually or to visit the site you will be working at for a face-to-face interview. Some interviews have task-based elements or other assessments. Recruiting the right person for Games Workshop is our passion; we want to make sure it is the right decision for you and for us, so sometimes there may be more than one interview stage. We will discuss the stages and process with you when you apply.

Many of our roles will require a working competence in two or more languages – usually English and at least one other. When applying for these roles, you may have to pass a language test in order to progress your application.